Monday, July 12, 2010

Knitting Sleeves

I'm moving right along with the little shaker sweater that I'm knitting for my grandson, Braydon.  The front and back are finished and now I'm working on the first sleeve. 

When I decided to do this sweater, I worked out the math and cast on for the back, knitting happily along, knowing that I'd have to more math once I got to the armholes.  Then, one day, I was surfing around some knitting sites and came across this pattern leaflet:

Not only did the red sweater look like the same sweater that I was knitting, but I was using the same yarn as this pattern called for.  What a coincidence!  So, I ordered the pattern.  Why try to invent a pattern that already exists?

Well, the way the pattern suggesed to make the shaker stitch and the way I was doing it were different, and I didn't want to start over, so I'm continuing with my version and I'm happy with it.  The pattern had you cast on one more stitch than I was using.  No problem.  I'm not worrying about a single stitch.  There is one more thing on the red sweater that is different than mine.  They have created a short button band, 3 buttons long, at the back of the neck.  I didn't want that, too feminine for a boy's sweater, in my mind.

So, the little shaker sweater is a combination of what I want and what is in the pattern leaflet.  Now that I'm working on the sleeves, it's nice that the math has been done already!  I'll probably make the cardigan at some point in the future and use the pattern as is.

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