Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bread Basket Liner #2

I finished up another bread basket liner.  This second one was a Christmas gift for my son-in-law's parents.  The details are the same as the first one, click here.

I didn't have any bread handy for the picture so project is doubling as a pine cone basket liner.  So versatile!

The bread basket is really nice.  It has a clay tree of life warmer that you can heat up in the oven and place in the basket to keep the bread or buns warm.  I think I should order one for myself when they are back in stock.

I think I have enough yarn left on the cone for one more liner. I'm adding it to my queue.  My very long queue.

1 comment:

Wool Free and Lovin' Knit said...

Fabulous gift -- so practical and yet personal. Love it!