Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Giving in to Temptation

Since my dyed yarn from the weekend has dried and I've had a chance to have a good look at it, I'm finding that I'm really liking it a lot.  I've decided to dye some yarn after all, experiment a little.  I already have a cone of 75% wool/25% nylon sock yarn (I mistakenly thought it was 100% wool) and I've just ordered some more beautiful undyed sock yarn. 

The new sock yarn has a nice tight twist, 80% Bluefaced Leicester 20% Nylon.  I have lots of ideas for both types and I'm looking forward to trying them out.  I've been reading every word that I can find on dyeing.  I admit to being a bit of a perfectionist so I'll want to do this well.

I have favorite dyers from the US that will continue to get my business.  I know talent when I see it!


Kourtney said...

I know how that dye pot seduction goes.... I've figured out some how to use my slowcooker, gives a gorgeous semisolid. And I'd been experimenting with ziplock bags in a water bath too...

TheCopperCorgi said...

So glad you are giving it another shot!